Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I felt even better today than yesterday. I expected to get more done today than I did. I started a project that took three times as long as I had anticipated. I did two loads of laundry and mixed up/filled my cleaners. After I unloaded the dishwasher I decided to tackle the kitchen sink. I have been spoiled by having new homes the last two houses we've lived in which meant brand new shiny sinks that I was able to keep that way. There are granite counters here with the sink underneath which is what I had at my last house. I was always very careful to clean around the top edge and it looked just as nice when we moved out two and a half years later. The caulking around the top of the sink here is black and deteriorating. It is nasty. I cleaned it as best as I could even using q-tips. When I was finished I washed a chicken that I had gotten for $.84 a pound and put it in to roast while I started my next project. The bottom cabinets in the kitchen are very deep which makes it hard to see what is in there. My solution was to put large plastic bins that could be filled and then pulled out to find what I need. Almost making them like drawers. I washed the bins and then took everything out of all the cabinets. I checked all of the dates and pulled out anything that expired by the end of next month to put in a special spot so it would be used before it spoils. I reorganized each cabinet and the lazy susan. I am happy with the results, but it took a long time. I had to throw away a few things that had expired recently. When the chicken was done I cut off all of the white meat to make chicken salad with red grapes, apples, and walnuts for sandwiches tomorrow night. Joey and Max need to get hair cuts and Matthew and I will go to CVS. There are several deals this week that I don't want to miss. I didn't get to mixing up the salad so I will need to do that tomorrow. I put the rest of the whole chicken in my large stock pot and boiled it for an hour or so. In the mean time I cut up onion, carrot, celery, purple cabbage, zucchini, and summer squash for the soup. I had marinated a london broil (BOGO this week) last night for Joey to grill tonight. I fixed asparagus sauteed in oil with garlic and herbed couscous to go with it. When the stock was ready and the rest of the meat falling off the bones I took it out to pick it apart. I replaced the meat, added the veggies, rice, diced canned tomatoes, and spices. Not only is soup my favorite thing to make, it's my favorite thing to eat! Dinner was wonderful and the soup turned out absolutely delicious. I almost forgot I also made a shoo fly pie for desert with whipped cream. It was a big hit with everyone. There are a few things that I need to get accomplished tomorrow, but mostly we need to spend a few hours on school work.

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